


The 心理学系 at 大阳城集团99aa is a unit of the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences in the 文理学院


The 心理学系 is committed to enhancing knowledge of psychological principles and practices through scholarship, Research, 本科的服务培训, Research生临床培训. 除了, the faculty to promote the discipline of Psychology through professional service at the national and local levels. The Department has 12 faculty members, all of whom have diverse training and Research interests. 我们目前提供两个学位课程:理学学士学位(B.S.),并拥有博士学位.D. 临床心理学(APA认证).

大阳城集团99aa first received American Psychological Association accreditation for its Clinical Psychology Ph.D. 2001年的项目, but its history str等hes back to 1877 and includes a rich heritage as a coeducational historically black institution. 成立于纳奇兹, 密西西比作为一所神学院来培养牧师和教师, the original goals of the school encompassed expanding the opportunities for freed American Negroes living in the Deep South through moral, 知识, 以及宗教教育, thus providing its graduates with the ability to serve society and become leaders within their communities. 这一基础愿景塑造了JSU发展的每一步, from its early move to the city of Jackson through its evolution into being far more than a teacher’s college. These principles impacted how psychology came to be taught at the institution and spurred its search for continued excellence through expansion into graduate programs.

By the time JSU officially gained university status from Mississippi’s state legislature in 1979, the 心理学系’s primary focus on Research made its move to the School of Liberal Arts a natural transition. 然后,博士. 珍妮特圣. 劳伦斯, 他是JSU的教员和临床心理学家, began to investigate HIV and STD issues in vulnerable populations during the advent of the AIDS epidemic. 和那些正在接受药物治疗的人一起工作, 与监禁抗争的人们, 或者其他高危人群, 社区卫生计划(共和人民党)的起源. This program became the foremost Research division within the Psychology Department and works to provide community service while training students and conducting original studies, 引起了全国的关注. 此外,在此期间,博士. Cynthia Ford designed a course to teach psychology from an afro-centric perspective. This type of enhancement to the curriculum highlights JSU’s focus on both cultural and individual diversity and remains a popular elective in the discipline.

After years of preparing undergraduates to pursue advanced Research degrees, JSU开始制定自己的Research生学习计划. Spearheading this movement was a working group whose goal was to design a program in clinical psychology that would provide multicultural training. The idea behind such multiculturalism is that the most effective clinical psychologists are those who have separated themselves from their personal biases and that this can only occur through in depth understanding of other cultures. 1995年,该项目启动了一个由五名学生组成的特许班级. APA accreditation then followed in 2001, and the first dissertation defense occurred in 2002. The concept of multicultural training remains a primary mission and requires the program actively to support those from diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds while ensuring that even the most traditional of graduate students becomes immersed in as many different environments as possible. 这是通过实践最直接实现的, 校外实习期, and field Research experience with underserved people; in the area of Jackson, 这通常是指农村和非洲裔美国人.


By the time JSU officially gained university status from Mississippi’s state legislature in 1979, the 心理学系’s primary focus on Research made its move to the School of Liberal Arts a natural transition. 然后,博士. 珍妮特圣. 劳伦斯, 他是JSU的教员和临床心理学家, began to investigate HIV and STD issues in vulnerable populations during the advent of the AIDS epidemic. 和那些正在接受药物治疗的人一起工作, 与监禁抗争的人们, 或者其他高危人群, 社区卫生计划(共和人民党)的起源. This program became the foremost Research division within the Psychology Department and works to provide community service while training students and conducting original studies, 引起了全国的关注. 此外,在此期间,博士. Cynthia Ford designed a course to teach psychology from an afro-centric perspective. This type of enhancement to the curriculum highlights JSU’s focus on both cultural and individual diversity and remains a popular elective in the discipline.

学习 BY

The mission of the Undergraduate Major in the Psychology Department is to expose students to the breadth and depths of the various fields of psychology. Students are encouraged and taught to think critically about psychological issues and to understand the value of empirical investigation. The department seeks to foster each student’s appreciation for the field of psychology and its applications to individual and social problems. The department is dedicated to high standards of original inquiry and personal growth. Students are taught that sound Research and scholarship serve to expand knowledge and improve the quality of peoples’ lives. Our program provides students with the education needed to enter a variety of careers or to pursue graduate work in psychology or related fields.



After years of preparing undergraduates to pursue advanced Research degrees, JSU开始制定自己的Research生学习计划. Spearheading this movement was a working group whose goal was to design a program in clinical psychology that would provide multicultural training. The idea behind such multiculturalism is that the most effective clinical psychologists are those who have separated themselves from their personal biases and that this can only occur through in depth understanding of other cultures. 1995年,该项目启动了一个由五名学生组成的特许班级. APA accreditation then followed in 2001, and the first dissertation defense occurred in 2002. The concept of multicultural training remains a primary mission and requires the program actively to support those from diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds while ensuring that even the most traditional of graduate students becomes immersed in as many different environments as possible. 这是通过实践最直接实现的, 校外实习期, and field Research experience with underserved people; in the area of Jackson, 这通常是指农村和非洲裔美国人.

职业生涯 机会


精神病学家 产业与组织心理学家 神经心理学家 临床心理学家
工程心理学家 咨询心理学家 法医心理学家 学校心理学家
  矫正的心理学家 运动心理学家  



欲了解更多信息,请致电(601)979-2371与我们CONTACT.  We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.



1325 J. R. 林奇街
P.O. 17550箱
杰克逊,MS 39217-0350


(601) 979-2371